Hot Toddy

Hot Toddy

What you'll need:

water, Twine: Mulling Spices, lemon peel, demerara sugar or brown sugar, lemon juice, whiskey (bourbon, rye, Irish or scotch).


Boiling water, to fill a mug
Twine: Mulling Spices
1 lemon peel or wheel
2 teaspoons demerara sugar or brown sugar
1/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
2 ounces whiskey (bourbon, rye, Irish or scotch)


Fill a mug with boiling water and let stand for a minute or two to warm. Meanwhile, stick the mulling spices into a tea diffuser and peel the lemon and set aside. Add the sugar and stir to dissolve. Add the diffuser and let it steap in the water for a few minutes. Add the prepared lemon peel and stir. Add the lemon juice and whiskey, and stir again. Serve warm.

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